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Understand Your Dog's Sleeping Habits

Imagine this: you're getting comfortable at bedtime with your dog when he or she starts digging and pawing at the bed, turning the bed into a big mess. Sounds all too familiar?

You may be wondering why do they do what they do. It is for comfort? Or ancestral behavior? Read on to find out what exactly your dog is doing and why. You might even find they have the right idea when it comes to bedtime rituals.


One of the things you'll often observe a dog doing before they lie down is turning around and around in circles. Dogs actually have a few reasons for this circling behavior. Even though they may not be living in the wild now, it is still their instinct that tells them otherwise. In the wild, trampling down the area they wish to claim for sleep provides the dog a measure of security by driving out pests, snakes and bugs. Another reason a dog circles is to distribute his own scent in the area, telling others to back off while also giving themselves a chance to scan the area for danger before he lies down comfortably.


You may have also noticed your dog scratching at the floor before settling in for a snooze. Some dogs scratch because it's in their DNA to do so, since it was once the dog's job to burrow after prey or stir up scents on the hunt. These dogs could probably benefit from some additional outdoor time. Scratching may also just be another way your dog uses to claim a spot as her own, much like circling.


In addition to circling and scratching, dogs can often be found digging at their bed, and yours, before going to sleep. When dogs get overheated they sweat through their paws, and their paws have sweat glands. Even so, they have a harder time than humans cooling themselves off. That's what the holes are all about. Your dog may be digging a hole to get a cooler spot to lie on. In this same regard, if your house is a bit cold and your bed is piled with blankets, your dog may dig to fluff up the blanket and find a pocket of warmth and comfort for a nice long nap.

Now you know a little more about the reasoning behind all your doggo's bed time rituals! Whether for comfort, safety or temperature, your dog is only doing what her instincts tell her to do. Next time you get your dog a new blanket or bed, don't take it personally if she chooses her ratty blanket or crate pad over the newly produced gift of comfort. Give it time, and before you know it, your pooch will have the new bedding exactly the way she likes it.

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