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Dealing With a Dog Bite

It may not come as a surprise to learn that some dogs simply do not enjoy having other dogs around them. Dogs need space too, and may react aggressively at a situation when they are uncomfortable.And if your dog ever encounter a dog bite, it is normal to freak out. However, try to practice the following steps to keep damage and injuries to the minimum. ... Read More

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Corn Chips

If your dog has never smelled like corn chips then that probably sounds like a completely ridiculous question. To be honest as dog owners ourselves we secretly kind of like it. And you will always know when your dog is near.The thing is, for dogs who have that peculiar smell is in fact a symptom of an imbalance in the body and it may be causing them significant discomfort. If it's coupled with red... Read More

What Goes On In The Mind of A Dog

Hi, I've been in this pack now for almost 4 years. Although a good owner, my mommy has proven herself relatively useless as a human being. Mommy typically sets her alarm 5 minutes before she needs to wake up. And then in a supreme display of responsible behavior, pushes snooze 9 times. And while I think I understand mommy pretty well, there are still some things that I don't really get. Being fed ... Read More

Foods for Dogs - Facts & Myths

To understand what dogs should eat, we must first understand where they came from and what they are at their most basic level. Your dog's relatives are the key to this nutritional puzzle. The wolf is a carnivore that hunts and scavenges for food. While their diet may vary, the one constant is that it is primarily meat based. If you understand how the wolf evolved to the domestic dog, your knowledg... Read More