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What are the warning signs that a dog is about to bite you?

Most dogs are gentle and friendly and will not bite or attack. However, there might still be exceptions and some of them will show warnings before they do.

But these warnings can be fast and last just a couple of seconds, so it is important to be very familiar with them.

Pretty often, a barking dog is not a biting dog. But this does not always hold true. It is just a general rule.

The best rule to keep yourself from getting bitten is to never reach out to pet a dog that is not known to you (a passing dog). And never offer your hand to be sniffed by an unknown dog.
NOTE: Never reach over a fence to pet a dog. No matter how friendly the dog may seem, you are reaching its territory and greatly increasing your chances of getting bit! Likewise, never trespass into a yard where there is a dog or dogs. This could also get you bit!

Some would offer the back of their hand to be sniffed (or smelled), by the dog. However do note that this is not 100% bite-roof as many people can still be bitten on the hand.

Simply ignore any dog that you are not personally familiar with, or do not know by name. Do not make eye contact with the dog, as the dog may perceive this as a challenge. Just calmly walk by any dog that you do not know, keeping your distance and staying calm.

Signs a dog may bite:

-The dog will lower its head.
-The dog has its ears laid down on its head, instead of perked up.
-The dog has its legs stiff, and is standing in a block like stance.
-The dog is rushing towards you, with its back hair up (hackles).
-The dog is showing its teeth and growling.

These are the main signs a dog may bite. But some dogs, especially Chihuahua crosses and Staffordshire Crosses, may show signs imperceptible to humans.

This does not mean the signs are not there. They are, but they happen so fast that most people cannot pick up on them.

If you feel that a dog may bite, stand tall and say "No" firmly. Call out for help. Do not run or scream. This shows weakness to the dog and the dog may want to attack you more.

If you are ever bitten, seek immediate medical attention, even for a minor bite! :)

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