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Make the Spookiest Day of the Year the Safest!

Spooky Season is almost here! Halloween is an annual event that most children, and lots of adults too, look forward to enthusiastically and anticipate a day and evening filled with masks, candy, and pranks all year long! It can be a really fun time of year for adults and children but it may not always be a happy time for your pets!

This holiday can be particularly spooky for the furry children in your family. To make Halloween fun for all of your family members take note of a few Halloween safety tips for your pet.

No Trick or Treat Candy For Them (Unless it’s doggo treats!)

Keep the trick-or-treat candy away from your dog. Candy is meant to attract, and it does. Candy is not good for dogs, and some candies can actually be lethal. Many Halloween candies contain the artificial sweetener xylitol that can be poisonous to dogs. Xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar as well as a subsequent loss of coordination and seizures. Some common candy dangers for pets include:

- Wrappers, string, and sticks that accompany candy may cause a blockage that requires medical attention.
- Fatty chocolate and candies can also predispose dogs to pancreatitis.
- Raisins can cause death in dogs, and many nuts are also dangerous if ingested.
- Chocolate — especially baking or dark chocolate — can be dangerous and even lethal for dogs. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning may include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and seizures.

If you don’t want your pets to miss out on the Halloween goodies, we have spooktacular pet-friendly sweet treats they can enjoy too! 

Find them here:

Dog Treats

Cat Treats

Dress Safely

Some cats and dogs don’t mind a few Halloween accessories, but don’t force an anxious animal into a constricting outfit. Make sure any Halloween clothes let your pet breathe, hear, see, and move freely.

If you’re thinking of dressing them up this year, find costumes that are created specifically for pets, however, this does not necessarily ensure their safety. Beads, snaps, buttons, ribbons, elastic and fabric can all be intestinal hazards.Stay away from costumes that have dangling parts or pieces that can be chewed off. In addition, costumes on your pet can result in overheating, impaired vision, and even difficulty breathing if it covers the face or is too restrictive around the pet’s neck or chest. Therefore, you should never leave your dog unattended while he’s wearing clothing or other decorative items. 

Glow Sticks and Glow Jewelry
Glow sticks are a fun Halloween trend and can help keep humans a little safer in the nighttime, but for dogs and cats, these items look like toys. Glow-in-the-dark items are filled with a liquid that if punctured, will leak the glowing content which if ingested, causes mouth pain, irritation, and excessive salivation.

Keep Them Away From the Door
Cats and dogs can frighten children, and vice versa. People will be coming to the house throughout the night, including children dressed in unusual costumes with masks. The continually ringing doorbell or knocking, and the door’s constant opening and closing may upset pets. This can be stressful and confusing to a dog. Additionally, their protective instinct is and their reactions could range from fear and anxiety to aggression and escape attempts, which are more likely to be successful due to the frequent opening of the door. If you know your dog is nervous, keep them contained in a part of the house that is as far away as possible to ensure they won’t be able to escape.

Stay Away From Pumpkins, Candles and Battery-Operated Décor
Do not leave lit pumpkins or electrical cords unattended around pets. Should your pets get too close, they run the risk of burning themselves or knocking the pumpkin over and causing a fire. If your dog chews on the cords, they could be cut on shards of glass or plastic, or receive a possibly life-threatening electric shock.

Trick or Treating?

If you’re thinking of venturing out with your dogs on this spooky night, make sure he is on a secure leash.  If your dog gets uncomfortable with strangers, keep him close to you (no retractable leashes) at all times. Be vigilant as you observe your surroundings and assess the people approaching you.  The neighbourhood will be filled with excited kids who will want to pet your dog. Too much physical contact from strangers who don’t look like normal humans and the natural desire to protect his owner can instigate an aggressive reaction from them.

Keep them safe and secure during the walk with our comfy leashes and harnesses! Shop our leashes, collars and harnesses here.

Halloween can be lots of fun filled with candies, dressing up and creepy home decors!  Just keep your dog in mind as you prepare for Halloween so that the entire family has a good, safe time!

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