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Can dogs eat durian?

Asian buying durian with dog

Undoubtedly, there is a deep-rooted durian-loving culture in Singapore. Every year from June to September, many of you will ritually join the snaking queues at durian stalls to buy the most delectable durians. Durian may even be your favourite fruit. While you're sinking your teeth into the creamy flesh of the durian fruit, have you ever wondered whether your pet dog can eat durian? We're sure some of your doggies have hovered around you begging for a share of this king of fruits, so knowing the answer to this question is vital.

The short answer is: yes, most dogs can safely eat a few bites of durian flesh per serving. However, durian seeds are toxic for dogs and may cause severe intestinal blockage, thus you should keep them away from your dog.

Be sure to stick around as we elaborate more on this intriguing topic!

We will explore the following topics:

— Which parts of the durian fruit can dogs safely consume?

— How much durian can dogs eat?

— How can I safely feed durian to my dog?

— What if my dog swallowed a durian seed?

— What fruit-related dog food products are available?


Which parts of the durian fruit can dogs safely consume?

Dog stare at durian

Edible parts: creamy, luscious durian fruit flesh

Inedible parts: uncooked durian seeds (which may be toxic because of the cyclopropene fatty acids), rind (tough outer skin), leaves, and stem

Side note: it is unwise to feed your dog durian desserts (e.g. durian ice cream, durian mochi, durian mooncake, durian cake, durian puff) that are meant for humans. This is because your adult dog is probably lactose intolerant thus it cannot digest standard dairy products well, and foods high in added sugar are toxic for canines.

If your dog likes the flavour of milk, milk-flavoured pet treats are a good choice.


How much durian can dogs eat?

We recommend feeding your dog only a few bites of durian fruit flesh per serving (general guideline: no more than 100 grams). Of course, the exact quantity will depend on many other factors such as your dog’s age, breed, and etc.

Since durian fruit is high in fat and sugar, it should be served merely as an occasional treat.

Importantly, if your dog has a particular health condition, you should consult a vet before letting it try durian. Also, take note that although most dogs can safely eat a little durian, some dogs are allergic to durian.

How can I safely feed durian to my dog?

 dog fed durian

1)    Get rid of all the durian leaves and the stem.

2)    Cut open the durian, then scoop out the flesh. Separate the flesh from the seeds.

3)    Dispose of these inedible parts safely in a place your dog cannot access. Do this step immediately to prevent accidents from happening (i.e your dog swallowing inedible durian parts).

4)    Begin by feeding your dog one small piece of the durian flesh and monitor your dog’s condition for a while. If there are no symptoms of an allergic reaction (e.g. itching, hives, vomiting & swelling), you can hand-feed it a few bites of the durian flesh.

Note: some dogs love durian presumably because of the fruit’s sweet taste, whereas others may hate the pungent smell of the durian. If your dog is unenthusiastic about eating durian, let it be.

What if my dog swallowed a durian seed?

Yes, accidents do happen. Food-motivated dogs can end up swallowing durian seeds whole. Should that happen, the seed may be passed out when they defecate if it’s digested. Otherwise, the swallowed seed could lead to serious health problems (e.g. intestinal blockage) that require vet attention. There may be long-lasting side effects too even after surgery that clears the obstruction.

The bottom line: prevention is better than cure. Take special precautions to ensure that your doggie does not eat any inedible durian parts. You don’t want your joyous durian feast to be ruined by an accident.

Gentle reminder: mindfully monitor what your pet eats in general because there is a long list of foods toxic for dogs (e.g. chocolate, avocado, onion & garlic) besides inedible durian parts.

What fruit-related dog food products do we recommend?


Happi Doggy Dental Chew Zest.

We still think that it is best for dogs to consume treats that are specially produced for them. At Pet Master, a comprehensive Singapore pet store specialising in everything dogs and cats, we sell an amazing array of fruity dog treats. We're sure that you can find a fruity treat from our vast collection, that will tickle the taste buds of your beloved doggie.

Recommended fruity dog treats:

--Happi Doggy Dental Chew Zest

-Fruitables Dog Treats (Available In Fruitables Crunchy, Skinny Minis & Greek)

-Forcans Chewable Yogurt Gum Dog Treats

-Bow Wow Biscuit Dog Treats

Shop now

Visit Pet Master’s outlets for more advice

Furparents, we hope you learnt something new from our article. If you need further advice on the best fruity dog food products, do contact Pet Master's friendly, knowledgeable retail staff!

Tags: Fruits

Written by Jolene

Jolene is a writer who adores animals. That is why she derives deep satisfaction from researching and writing about animal-related topics.