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How To Spot Food Allergies In Dogs?

Has your fur companion been scratching more than usual? Does he/she suffer from skin irritations that are not caused by its environment? Like humans, dogs can have food intolerances and food allergies.

Food allergies trigger an adverse immune response that commonly results in itching. Food allergies can also lead to digestive problems, and even behavioural problems. 


1. Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is one of the most common reactions to food allergy, and can happen anywhere on your dog. It often happens near his/her ears, paws, rear end and stomach; look out for frequent scratching at these spots!

2. Hives

Itchy red bumps usually appear 6 to 24 hours after the intake of a food allergen. While it is more noticeable on short-aired dogs, you can feel for the bumps with longer haired dogs if he/she starts scratching, biting or licking at affected areas.

3. Tummy Trouble

Like humans, food allergies in dogs can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as gas, vomiting, and diarrhea.

4. Swollen Face

Look out for swelling of your dog's lips, eyelids and ear flaps! Skin around these areas will also appear pink and inflamed, which are usually more noticeable in white-oat breeds.

5. Chronic Ear or Paw Infections

Infections are deemed chronic when they happen at least two to three times a year. These infections may also be the result of environmental factors such as ear mites, yeast, and water.

More noticeable in white-oat breeds, you may also notice bronzing around the lips and nail beds.


In most instances, food allergies are caused by specific proteins in your dog's diet. While most people associate proteins with meat, there are proteins present in grains and vegetables as well.

If you suspect that your dog has a food allergy, consult your vet, or try the elimination diet at home!

Tags: Dog Foods, Food Allergies

Written by Jessica Seah

Jessica Seah
Jessica is an animal lover who enjoys writing. She believes that patience, love, and respect are the top three requirements in communicating with them.